26 March 2018

Enjoy Easter Without Ruining Your Diet

Well, why avoid chocolates on Easter when you can enjoy them and yet stay in shape? Just remember the following tips on eating chocolates on Easter and you should be alright. And it will be good for your health, too, thanks to the antioxidants present in pure chocolate.

Ask for Small Portions

This is akin to using a smaller plate to trick your mind into thinking that you have eaten big portions and, hence, you avoid overeating. This time, you should ask for your chocolate Easter egg to be in a smaller size, preferably the children's size. You will be tricking your mind into thinking that you have eaten one full-sized egg.

Skip the Egg

If you cannot get your hands on children-sized chocolate eggs, then just skip them altogether. Look through the other chocolate selections and take your pick of the least fattening. Give the chocolates away just so you can avoid the temptation to gorge later on.

Look for Fat-Free Fillings

If you still want your chocolate egg without feeling guilty about it, calorie-wise, then go for the ones with the fat-free fillings. For example, ask for chocolates with the jelly babies filling than more chocolate or more peanut butter. Since jelly babies are virtually fat-free, you can also avoid much of the dreaded extra calories.

Go Plain

Easter egg chocolates come in 2 varieties - the pure chocolate and the milk chocolate. Eat the pure chocolate because it contains more flavonoids, which are antioxidants that are good for your health. Plus, you will enjoy the more intense flavor of pure chocolate and then be encouraged to eat less of it.

Read the Labels

As many weight loss watchers know, it is calories that ultimately count in losing weight. Chocolates have very high calories - 50 grams has 265 calories depending on the ingredients - so reading the nutrition labels is a good idea. This is only true, of course, for chocolate eggs and confections that come from known chocolate manufacturers. If you have been given homemade chocolate goodies, then you can always make a guess using the 50 grams-265 calories as a general rule.

Break It Off

This is similar to asking for child-size portions, which is not possible in all instances. In this case, you can always just break off the chocolate bar or cut the chocolate egg in half. Then, you should place the rest inside the refrigerator for two purposes; it will be out of your reach and it will melt more slowly in your mouth the next time you eat it.

Easter is a time to enjoy chocolates! After all, when taken in moderate quantities, chocolate can be part of a healthy weight loss diet.

Article Source: EzineArticles.com

23 March 2018

The Top Ten Natural Energy Boosting Health Tips

There are a lot of health tips on the Internet. Eat right, exercise regularly, avoid vices, avoid stress, but some do not deal with healing or maintaining a healthy lifestyle in a natural way.

Not that these are the health tips that ends all and be all, but this top ten health tips are the most natural things that you can do. 

1. Meditate once in a while.
This maybe done by incorporating yoga in your routine. The balance that your body can achieve by meditation will tremendously help in keeping you healthy.

2. Have a positive outlook.
It says that most of our sickness are stress induced, thus reducing stress by having a happy disposition will greatly aid in your quest to have a healthier body.

3. Eat healthy foods.
This has always been part of everyone's top ten health tips that it sounds cliche. But in regards to alternative medicine, it says that there are foods that feed your chakra points. And these are the things that we might consider when trying to determine which diet works to achieve a healthier life.

4. Drink plenty of water and liquids.
This is in connection with health tip number three above. Teas feed the heart chakra while water and juices feed the throat chakra which means that drinking natural stuff are the way to go in order to get the health life you want.

5. Cleanse your body regularly by detoxification.
This process maybe done either by fasting or by eating raw foods only on certain number of days. There are various kinds of detoxification, liver, kidney and colon cleanse are the most popular. But fasting for some days usually does the job to clean the whole body from toxins.

6. Stop taking in toxins in your body.
Although there are detoxification methods, it is not an excuse to continue your bad habit. Smoking, drinking and binge eating should be stopped immediately after deciding to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Cigarettes and alcoholic beverages are known to have harmful substances that alter our body's condition. Some foods also contain toxins. Too much meat, too much sweets and too much salt can also harm our body, so with that in mind, moderation is advised.

7. Exercise religiously.
This health tip is something that can't be omitted. Making sure that our body have regular, intense yet relaxing movements is a must. Doing taichi and yoga are two of the best ways to achieve the goal of exercising and creating balance with spirituality and emotions.

8. Think of yourself in a positive manner.
In Emotional Freedom Technique of EFT, saying good things to yourself is a must. It is necessary to affirm yourself and speak positive things to yourself out loud. Your body appreciates that and it makes you feel important and happy.

9. Try to be all-natural.
Purchase household products that are earth friendly. This means that the chemicals contained in these products are lesser compared to others.

10. Love yourself.
The only way you could treat yourself right, which gives you the will to do all these top ten health tips is if you love yourself enough to desire to live long. By doing this, all the other nine will follow suit, naturally.

Article Source: EzineArticles.com

5 March 2018

Top Health Tips To Help Stay Healthy

It is a universal truth that nothing is more important than your health. That is why Health tips are very crucial for our  healthiness. These tips help to get our body, soul and mind in perfect states. There are numerous tips out there to help improve our body strength, lose weight and stay healthy; these include:

Lose Weight Sensibly: It is vital to lose weight sensibly as a sudden loss in weight can be harmful. You cannot just abruptly stop eating all those meals that have always appealed to you and expect that your body mechanism will smile at that. The process is gradual and must be followed if you desire to lose weight and stay healthy.

Eat Fresh Vegetables and Fruits: Vegetables and fruit serve as fillers for the stomach. They help to keep you full and away from foods with high calories.

Do not rush your meal, eat gradually: This will help you eat less and will help in weight loss.

Keep a food Journal: On a food journal, honestly fill in all meals that you take regularly; this should include the sauces and condiments and all foods that have calories in them. From your journal, observe if it is possible to slash your meals and eliminate food items that you do not actually need.

Exercise Daily: Take physical exercise at least thirty minutes daily. It is reasonable to include a day off every week.

Integrate beans and other legumes into your eating plan for weight loss: These meals hold plenty of fibre and will maintain you longer throughout the day.

Eat nuts: This has proven as a successful means to lose your weight. Just a nibble at a nut will revitalize your vigour for the rest of the day.

Good Breakfast: Eating a good breakfast is one of the most optimistic things you can do if you really intend to lose weight. A good breakfast should include new fruit or fruit juice, a high-fibre breakfast cereal, yoghurt or low-fat milk, a boiled egg and whole wheat toast

Take Ginger: The oil in ginger has made it a very helpful herbal medicine for nasal and chest congestion. Dish out two cups of hot water over 1-inch piece of peeled, grated ginger and steer for ten minutes. Add a pinch or two of cayenne pepper to the water and drink as desired.

These are just a few health tips to help you stay healthy. Keep in mind that staying healthy is a continuous process and      should be done with consistency.

Article Source: EzineArticles.com

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